Rural Broadband: The Key to a Sustainable American Economy

For rural communities looking to maintain economic growth for their residents, workers, and customers, a lack of broadband access has been a consistent roadblock. A core component of modern infrastructure, rural broadband services have never been more vital to the longevity of rural America. Yet, approximately 13.4 million residents of rural America have no access to high-speed broadband.

Rural Broadband Access Creates Jobs

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), in partnership with Purdue University and the Center for Regional Development, released a research report finding that small, rural communications providers contributed more than 77,000 jobs and supported more than $10 billion in economic activities prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Speaking of the pandemic, remote work opportunities have created a unique environment for rural workers. More Americans are leaving high-cost city environments for more rural, affordable living areas. The result is a need for access to high-speed Internet to work from anywhere in the country. 

The potential cost-saving opportunities for rural communities are vast with access to broadband. From telecommuting efficiency to inventory management, the connections made possible with high-speed Internet helps to increase profit margins and scalable growth prospects. 

Rural Broadband Access Improves Educational Opportunities 

For students in rural communities, access to a high-speed broadband connection can make all the difference for education. Today’s classroom relies heavily on connection – from streaming services, video conferencing, Internet resources and digital textbooks, coding classes, and access to cutting edge curriculum. Without broadband access, rural students are not offered the same opportunities as their peers in higher populated areas. 

Establishing broadband networks in rural areas and Native American reservations allows students in high school to learn job skills prior to entering the workforce, and makes them more competitive on college applications. Post-secondary education through community and local colleges also benefit from broadband access by connecting their student body to a bigger world. 

Rural Broadband Improves the Food Supply Chain  

While rural broadband is often presented as important for rural areas – a lack of access to high-speed Internet has a profound impact on urban areas across the country as well. The majority of the food supply comes from agriculture business, farms, and ranches based in these rural areas. Without vital connectivity to manage crop yields, packaging, and shipping – the food supply chain is affected. There are also more efficient methods available using rural broadband access to yield productivity gains through innovation. 

Connecting Rural Communities to the Digital Economy

From education to healthcare, and agriculture to commerce – PCS Technologies has been a trusted provider of broadband wireless infrastructure for rural and Native American communities for more than 25 years.

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