Private LTE
Carrier-grade wireless broadband
PCS Technologies provides end-to-end private LTE network planning, installation, maintenance, and monitoring services. When reliability matters, you want experts on your team. We have been providing carrier-grade private LTE infrastructure for a variety of clientele for more than 25 years.
5G & Connecting Communities
5G is increasing the potential for higher connection speed and capacity for wireless broadband. The long-term implication opens doors for next-gen 10 to 100 times the speed of 4G technology. This responsiveness can improve everything from video conferencing to vital telemedicine – and even the domestication of augmented and virtual reality.
For public safety, infrastructure, and industry, private 5G networks are able to address critical wireless communication requirements more effectively than previous 4G network capabilities. As the networks continue to evolve, PCS Technologies can help you stay on top of the best approach to adapting to changing coverage, performance, and user experience.
CBRS – or Citizens Broadband Radio Service – is a band of radio-frequency spectrum from 3.5GHz to 3.7GHz that the Federal Communications Commission has designated for sharing among three tiers of users: incumbent users, priority licensees and generally authorized, which is lightly licensed.
What that means for public sector and enterprise clients is an opportunity to extend the coverage and capacity of existing 4G LTE and 5G networks. Using this spectrum, the possibilities for IoT modernization in a variety of environments are promising and within reach.
Private wireless broadband networks are transforming:
5G & Private LTE
How Private Networks are Transfo...
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, quite understandably, hospitals and other healthcare providers focused on what was most important – delivering urgent care. The scale of the pandemic...
Can Fixed Wireless Compete with ...
The simple answer to the above question is that it already is, but there are important caveats. For home broadband, it sometimes feels like every option comes with downsides....
Fixed Wireless Use Cases
Few would have predicted in the early days of the fiber optic revolution that we’d eventually be turning back to radio waves to carry our broadband signals, but that’s...
Private LTE vs. Wi-Fi for Health...
If there is ever an example of a high-pressure environment in which to create a communication network, it must be healthcare. Whether it’s coordinating care across the many departments...
How CBRS works and why you shoul...
CBRS is a transformative technology facilitating secure wireless broadband with higher speeds and higher capacity levels. As connectivity demands continue to increase, establishing this networking infrastructure is critical to...
Wi-Fi networks remain the bigges...
A connected hospital is a vulnerable hospital. Over half of internet-connected hospital medical devices have a critical security vulnerability that risks patient safety, data confidentiality, and service availability. This...
In 2022, Next Generation Fixed W...
The good news is that we’ve made some real progress toward closing the digital divide. The economic and societal consequences of having wide swaths of the population left with...
Why can’t we be friends? H...
Why does there seem to be a rivalry between fixed wireless access and fiber networks? Our opinion is that fixed wireless access and fiber networks are complementary technologies that...